Christopher Flynn
Archbishop Molloy High School
Christopher Flynn hails from Bayside, NY and is currently a senior at Archbishop Molloy High School in Briarwood, NY. At school, Christopher is a member of the National Honor Society and has consistently placed on the Principal's List for all four years. He has a demanding senior schedule with many Advanced Placement and Scholars courses, many of which are dual-enrollment for college credit. Christopher is planning to major in a mathematical-related field, which can lead to a possible career in education. For one of his courses, Christopher is an intern for a freshmen algebra class. He works with the lead teacher to review the homework, tutor small groups of students, and has even taught some lessons. He also volunteers time after school to be a peer tutor for underclassmen. These have been great opportunities to experience what it's like to be a teacher while still in high school.
In terms of extracurriculars, Christopher bowls on the school's varsity bowling team which recently won the city championship. Christopher also serves as a campus ministry retreat leader for underclassmen. He has helped lead week-long summer retreats for incoming freshmen as well as weekend retreats in Esopus, NY, in addition to full-day retreats at school. In addition, Christopher is a member of the Irish club, Italian club, math club, math team, science fiction club, and S.M.I.L.E. club at school.
Christopher is also active in his local neighborhood. He is an altar server at Sacred Heart parish along with his brothers. He was in the parish's scouting program for many years as well. Christopher performs volunteer service hours for the National Honor Society at a local medical office. Lastly, to help offset expenses, Christopher works part-time in a restaurant.
Christopher's Irish heritage comes from the paternal side of his family. His grandfather was from Dublin and came to the United States in his teenage years. Christopher and his brothers called him Pop Pop. Pop Pop died when Christopher was very young, but he has a memory of eating tea biscuits at Pop Pop's house while watching cartoons. The Flynn household keeps the Irish customs alive by playing Irish music, visiting Irish pubs, and marching in St. Patrick's Day parades. Christopher has marched in several local Bayside parades with the boy scouts as well as in the NYC parade with this Emerald Society. Two quick, random fun facts: (1) In Christopher's home, there is a brick that was said to be from Pop Pop's childhood home in Dublin. Though many were skeptical of this, the legend was confirmed to be true by the current owner of the home, Jane, when Christopher's family visited Ireland recently. She confirmed that Pop Pop's brother (Christopher's great uncle) did indeed take a brick many years ago when she was a child. (2) Three family members (both of Christopher's aunts as well as his great uncle) were all born on March 17 in three different years. Christopher is honored to receive the scholarship from the NYCDOE Emerald Society and will put it towards his college studies.
Below are some pictures in front of Pop Pop's childhood home on the Flynn family's recent trip to Ireland in 2022.